Victoria’s Secret customer care and support service

The secret’s out. Victoria’s Secret is one of the most successful women’s apparel stores in world. Founded by the late Roy Raymond in San Francisco in 1977, this sultry store can now be found in numerous countries all around the world. Just a few of the countries that sell Victoria’s Secret’s sexy products include Canada, Thailand, Taiwan, Australia, and Chile.

Taking in billions of dollars every single year, Victoria’s Secret has been empowering women and enflaming men for 40 years now. In addition to panties and bras, Victoria’s Secret sells sleepwear, makeup, and perfume. Victoria’s Secret is officially a subsidiary of the fashion company L Brands. L Brands, which also owns stores like Bath & Body Works and Pink, is now on the NYSE under the ticker LB.

In case you were wondering, the name “Victoria’s Secret” refers to the Victorian Era in Great Britain. If you weren’t paying attention in history class, all you need to know here is that the Victorian Era was one of the most prudish eras of human history. Hopefully you can understand why Raymond chose this name by now.

Victoria’s Secret customer care

If you need to get in contact Victoria’s Secret’s staff, there are plenty of ways to do so. First off, you can just call either of these toll-free telephone numbers to talk to a Victoria’s Secret representative (800) 888-1500 or (800) 411-5116.

victoria secrets canada customer careFor even more information on this company, please take a look at the URLs posted below.

  • This is the official Victoria’s Secret “Customer Service” page. You can look up anything that’s on your mind in the search engine tab, or click on an FAQ page that interests you. There’s also a “Live Chat” function if you want to text a representative in real time.
  • Looking for the closest Victoria’s Secret location to you? Here’s Victoria’s Secret’s official “Store Locator“. Just type in your city, zip code, and/or province, and you’ll instantly find out where the closest Victoria’s Secret stores are to your home.
  • Here’s a longer list of FAQs on Victoria’s Secret’s website. Literally everything you ever wanted to know about Victoria’s Secret is on this website.
  • Victoria’s Secret currently has an app available on all Apple and Android. Check out these two links to learn more about what you’ll get for installing this app into your smartphone.
  • OK men, this is the link you’re looking for. Here’s Victoria’s Secret’s official YouTube page. All of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show videos are here for you to gawk over. You can also watch the Victoria’s Secret Swim Special, and various other “too hot for TV” ads. Just be sure your girlfriend isn’t around while you’re watching, you naughty boy!

Since Victoria’s Secret is owned by L Brands, it’s best to use this address for all hand-written letters:

L Brands, Inc. World Headquarters
3 Limited Pkwy.
Columbus, OH 43230

Anyone who wants to call this headquarters can simply call (614) 415-7000.

Victoria’s Secret’s models just love to show off their bodies—or rather, showcase the latest wares from this respectable establishment— on social media. Facebook users can follow Victoria’s Secret on this webpage. People who use Twitter all day and night can take a peek at this website. People on Instagram can follow Victoria’s Secret right here. And, lastly, Pinterest users can find out what’s going on at Victoria’s Secret on this webpage.

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