Do you need some help with your finances? Heck, who doesn’t nowadays? This world is just getting more and more complex every single year. You need to take a bit of stress off of your shoulders. Breathe in. Breathe out. There. Feel better now? NO?! Well then, maybe you need to invest in some kind of financial management software.
Hey, I know what you need. You need to check out Quicken’s personal finance management tools. Yeah, Quicken has been around since 1983 and has really helped a bunch of people manage their money. Oh, you say you haven’t heard of this company? Well, perhaps you remember the name Intuit, Inc. Yeah, Quicken was actually called Intuit for a long time. Today Quicken offers a ton of financial software tools on both Windows and Apple products. While Quicken is most popular in Canada and America, it also does business in many other countries around the world.
How to get in touch with Quicken’s support service
If you have any questions about Quicken’s products, call them by using this telephone number (650) 250-1900. You’ll be able to reach a member of Quicken’s Customer Support department every Monday through Friday from 5AM – 5PM.
Need more information? Don’t worry! Just check out these super-duper Quicken links below.
- Here’s Quicken’s official “Support” page. You should visit this page if you need…well, support. There are tons of links all over this page about order questions, product registration, planning tools, mitigating Quicken files, and a whole host of other issues. You can also take a peek at the top support questions on the right hand side or initiate an online chat by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.
- This link will take you to Quicken’s “Community” portal. Flip through the various categories to find a discussion that pertains to the issues you’re trying to get addressed. If you don’t see anyone else asking the questions you want asked, you could always look up your question in the search engine. You could also start a conversation of your own on this awesome webpage.
- Yeah, Quicken went there. They have their own YouTube page, and they’re proud of it. You can check out Quicken’s YouTube page by clicking this URL. Here you’ll find some awesome playlists like “Money Management Tips from Quicken,” “Quicken Mobile App,” and “Quicken for Mac 2017.” Anyone with any issues using Quicken’s software will find the answers they need on this useful webpage.
- Wonder where Quicken is headquartered? Well, if you do, then you must click on this URL. Here you’ll discover Quicken’s three main offices in both the USA and India. You’ll also see the telephone numbers for all three of these major headquarters.
Of course, you could have just clicked the link above to figure out Quicken’s main headquarters. However, we know just how lazy people are today. Hey now, don’t get all testy! We get it. Laziness is the fad nowadays. Anyway, here’s Quicken’s official headquarters for those out there who want to mail a letter:
Quicken Inc.
3760 Haven Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Feel like chatting with a member of Quicken’s Menlo Park staff? If so, dial this telephone number (650) 564-3399.
Believe it or not, Quicken is extremely social media savvy. If you’re on Facebook, check out Quicken’s profile right here. Twitter users can follow Quicken by using this website.