ColbaNet customer care and support service

ColbaNet is an internet service and telecommunications provider that has been providing the best service to residential and business clients since its inception in 1196.

It offers high-speed internet service to its customers through a DSL-based broadband access network, IPTV, Voice Over IP, Internet cable, and Internet cable access.


ColbaNet has been offering ADSL2+ Internet access since 2007 via its own equipment that it installed in 9 telephone central offices (CO) of Bell Canada in Montreal.

This enables the company to offer up to 24 Mbit/s downstream speed and up to 1 Mbit/s upstream speed. This allows the company to compete directly against the big names in the industry.

In 2014, ColbaNet launched its own twenty kilometers fiber network in Montreal. ColbaNet is able to offer internet speed up to 1GO to all of its direct fiber clients. This also allows the company to compete head to head against large conglomerates and established telecommunications providers.


Moreover, ColbaNet has gained an edge over its competitors because it does not allow or impose any throttling at a highly competitive price. Also, the company offers different internet plans that fall under varied budgets to accommodate all of its customers.

Along with its innate understanding of what its customers want, ColbaNet makes sure to remain on top of its game and keeps its customers happy via consistent, efficient, and dependable assistance and support. ColbaNet provides this support to its customers via its official website.

So, without further ado, let’s review what ColbaNet has to offer to its customers.

ColbaNet Customer Support Services

When it comes to delivering the best support to its customers, ColbaNet never drops the ball! Here are some ways in which ColbaNet provides excellent customer support services:

FAQs Pages

ColbaNet has two incredibly helpful FAQs webpages. The first one is for anyone looking for answers to their internet-related queries and the second one is for VoIP –related queries.

Both of these web pages have a list of questions on the related topics. You can simply click on a question to access the comprehensive answer.


ColbaNet has another webpage dedicated to offering the best possible support to its customers. This webpage has various categories on it such as internet, Wi-Fi, complaint, configuration, and more.

Each category is further divided into more categories. You can simply click on a topic and you will be redirected to a PDF dedicated to that topic.


Moreover, this webpage can also help you get in touch with a customer support representative. All you have to do is call the company on this number:

  • 514-856-3500

Here are the official hours during which you can call ColbaNet on this number to talk to the company’s customer service representative:

  • Monday to Friday: 9 am – 8 pm
  • Wednesday Canada day: 9 am – 5 pm
  • Saturday and Sunday: 9 am – 5 pm

E-mail Support

ColbaNet also gives you the opportunity to reach out to its representatives via e-mail. All that you have to do is type your query, concern, or suggestion about the services provided by ColbaNet and send the company an e-mail on their e-mail address:


The support representatives at the company will reach out to you shortly with a sufficient reply.

Contact Us

ColbaNet also has a separate Contact Us webpage, which has a lot of information on how you can reach out to the company. This webpage has a map, which you can use to get directions to the ColbaNet office.

It also mentions the daily office hours for all three departments of the company – Sales, Technical Support, and Administration.

Moreover, this webpage also mentions the address of the ColbaNet office, which is:

6465, Trans-Canada Highway
Montréal (Quebec)
H4T 1S3

Additionally, if you want to send e-mails to any of the three departments, then you can do so on these e-mail addresses:

To contact sales:

To contact support:

To contact billing:

ColbaNet Billing

ColbaNet also has a separate webpage for billing. On this page, you can find out ways to contact the billing and accounts department of the company.

It also has a list of all the billing-related questions that customers often ask the company, which you can go through and click on to access the answers.

ColbaNet billing webpage

Customer Center

ColbaNet also has a customer center on its website. It is divided into three different categories – webmail, billing and usage, and VoIP.

All you have to do is enter your username and password in all three and click on the “submit” tabs. This way, you will have access to the information that you want.

ColbaNet customer center webpage

The Bottom Line

When it comes to offering exceptional customer support and care, ColbaNet never disappoints. The company just knows how to keep its customers happy and content with its services.

It offers the best possible support and assistance to its customers via a wide array of channels available on its official website.

Whether you e-mail or call ColbaNet, they will reach out to you and respond to your queries, concerns, or suggestions with utmost professionalism and clarity. After all, when it comes to its customers, the company practices endless honesty, understanding, empathy, and care.

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