How to watch Netflix with friends online?

Questions & AnswersCategory: NetflixHow to watch Netflix with friends online?
Albert Frances asked 3 years ago
Hi everyone.
Because of Covid, we had to cancel the Netflix binge-watching holiday party I organized with my friends. I was wondering if there’s a way to have watch parties online. Thanks!

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 3 years ago
One way to watch Netflix with friends is through the “Watch Together” Chrome extension. This extension allows you to watch a show with your friends. Sounds great, right?

There are two ways that you can connect with another person or group of people to watch a show together – either through the app or on TV.

Let’s take a look at both options below!

Watching a show on Netflix with Friends through the Chrome extension:

If you’re watching Netflix on your phone or tablet, you can easily connect with friends to watch a show together. Here’s how:

Open up the Netflix app and select the show that you want to watch. Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner to bring up the sidebar menu. Select “Friends” from this menu and then select the “+ Add friends”. Type in your friend’s name or tap on their picture if they’re already a contact. Once you add them, there will be three options underneath – choose “Invite to Watch Together!”.

And that’s it! You can now watch the show together on Netflix.

Watching a show on TV with Friends:

If you’re watching through your streaming devices, such as AppleTV or Roku, it’s actually really easy to connect with friends and watch a show at the same time! Here’s how:
Open up your app interface for your streaming device. Select the show that you want to watch. You’ll see a selection of suggested friends or choose “Add Friends.” Type in your friend’s name or tap on their picture if they’re already a contact. Once you add them, there will be three options underneath – choose “Invite to Watch Together!”.
And that’s it! You’ll now see your friend’s profile pictures appear next to the show. You can move through episodes together, chat during a commercial break and even watch different devices at the same time!

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