If you wish to keep your Lucky Mobile account running, you need to top up the account with sufficient funds to cover your Total Monthly Charge, which will include your plans and add-ons. You can top up your account through automatic top-up, manual top-up, and express top-up programs.
Here’s how you can use these ways to top up your account:
Automatic Top-Up
Here are two ways to automatically top up your Lucky Mobile account:
Monthly with Low Balance Top-Up
This option allows you to have Lucky Mobile automatically charge your credit card, bank account, or Visa debit card each month with enough funds to cover your Total Monthly Charge before your Monthly Charge Date.
The company will also top up your account every time your balance reaches the minimum amount that you will set. This way, you can ensure you have enough funds to buy a Service Pass.
Monthly Top-Up
This option will give Lucky Mobile access to automatically charge your Visa debit card, credit card, or bank account each month with ample funds to cover your Total Monthly Charge before your Monthly Charge Date.
If you overlook changing your monthly top-up settings while changing your add-ons and plan, the company will alter your top-up amount to go with your new Total Monthly Charge so that you don’t have to worry about losing the service.
You can set up an automatic top-up when you activate your account online, at a Lucky Mobile retailer, or on the Lucky Mobile My Account app.
Manual Top-Up
With manual top-up, you will have to remember to top up your account with ample funds to cover your Total Monthly Charge each month before your charge date to access uninterrupted service.
Lucky Mobile Top-Up Card
You can manually top up your account through a Lucky Mobile Top-Up Card. These cards come with various values, including $15, $20, $50 & $100.
You can find these cards at Lucky Mobile retailers, grocery stores, convenience stores, and gas stations. Use the card by accessing your Lucky Mobile My Account app, dialing *111 from your Lucky Mobile phone, or logging into My Account.
Visa Debit or Credit Card
You can also use your Visa debit card or credit card to top up your account by accessing your Lucky Mobile My Account app, dialing *111 from your Lucky Mobile phone, or logging into My Account.
Express Top-Up Program
This program enables you to swiftly add funds with your registered credit card’s four-digit PIN. It saves you from entering your payment information each time you need to top up your account. You automatically get registered for this program if you sign up for Monthly with Low Balance Top-Up or Monthly Top-Up.
When using Automatic Top-up, can I make manual top-ups when I want to add more funds to my account?
Yes, you can make manual top-ups even if you have enabled automatic top-ups. Your automatic payments will also continue unless you disable them from your account or reach the maximum $500. The automatic top-ups will resume when there is enough room in your account balance to make another payment.
What to do when you’re having trouble topping up your account from your phone’s web browser?
Your browser might not support a Lucky Mobile account top-up if you’re facing this issue. You can dial *111 or log in to My Account using your computer, laptop, or tablet to top up your balance.
What types of payment does Lucky Mobile accept?
For All Top-Ups: Visa, MasterCard, Visa debit card, American Express (the US and Canada)
For One-Time Top-Ups Only: international credit cards
Not Acceptable: Interac Debit & MasterCard Debit