How To Program Cogeco Remote?

Questions & AnswersCategory: CogecoHow To Program Cogeco Remote?
Tossy asked 3 years ago
Can someone help me? I’m having a bit of trouble and was wondering if anyone could lend a helping hand.
I can’t seem to figure out how to program my Cogeco remote control.

1 Answers
Francesca Staff answered 3 years ago

To program your Cogeco remote, you will need the following:

  1. The model number of your TV or audio receiver (this can usually be found on the back of the device)
  2. The 4-digit code for your TV or audio receiver (this can be found in the user manual)
  3. A Cogeco universal remote control
  4. 2 AAA batteries (for the remote control)
  5. A TV or audio receiver with an infrared receiver (IR)
  6. A clear line of sight between the remote control and the IR receiver on the TV or audio receiver

Once you have gathered the necessary items, you are ready to begin programming your Cogeco remote. Here’s how:

  1. Turn on your TV or audio receiver.
  2. Locate the “Setup” button on your Cogeco remote control. This is usually a small red or black button near the top of the remote. Press and hold this button down for 3 seconds.
  3. Enter the 4-digit code for your TV or audio receiver. The red light on the remote should blink twice.
  4. Press and release the “Power” button on the remote. This should turn your TV or audio receiver off. If it does not, repeat steps 2-4 using a different code from your user manual.
  5. To test if the programming was successful, press and release the “Power” button again. Your TV or audio receiver should turn on. If it does not, please try another code from your user manual until you find one that works.

If you don’t have your user manual handy, don’t worry! You can use the “Code Search” method.

This is a great way to find the code for your device if it is not listed in this guide or if you cannot locate your user manual. To use this method:

  1. Press and hold down the “Setup” button on your Cogeco remote control until the red light blinks twice.
  2. Enter 9-9-1. The red light will blink twice.
  3. Press and release the “Power” button on the remote. This should turn your TV or audio receiver off. Press and release the “Power” button if it does not.
  4. Point the remote control at your TV or audio receiver and press and hold down the “Channel Up” button until your device turns off. Do not release the “Channel Up” button while you are doing this.
  5. Once your device turns off, release the “Channel Up” button and press the “Setup” button. The red light will blink twice to indicate that you have found a valid code.
  6. You can now test if the code works by pressing the “Power” button on the remote. Your TV or audio receiver should turn on.

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