How to delete Wealthsimple Account?

Questions & AnswersCategory: WealthSimpleHow to delete Wealthsimple Account?
Niko asked 3 years ago
I wanna leave Wealthsimple, how can I do? Many thanks!

1 Answers
Francesca Staff answered 3 years ago
Wealthsimple is an Online Investment platform that offers users an online portal to invest their money in different stocks and bonds. This platform lets users browse through a huge list of investment options before selecting the best option to invest in. Users can also customize their investment opportunities based on what kind of stocks they wish to put their money into. Additionally, they can set up their money to be invested on autopilot with minimal effort on their part.

Despite being quite a useful portal for people who are looking to invest their money in the right places, many users look for ways to delete their Wealthsimple account. It could be due to the endless spam of emails you receive from the website, or maybe you simply don’t wish to invest through WealthSimple any longer.

In either case, here are the steps you will need to follow if you wish to delete your WealthSimple account today.

Steps to Delete Your Wealthsimple Account?

Are you no longer in need of your Wealthsimple Account? There could be many reasons why you wish to delete or deactivate your account and stop receiving daily emails from Wealthsimple.
You will be pleased to know that the process of deleting your Wealthsimple account is quite simple and straightforward. All you need to do is submit a deactivation request to their Relationship Management team, and they will handle the rest!

Here are the steps you should follow to deactivate or delete your Wealthsimple account.

  1. Open your web browser and go on the log-in page for Wealthsimple. You can use the link mentioned below to navigate to the page right away.
  2. Once you’re on the log-in page, enter your username and password to log into your account.
  3. After logging in, you will notice your name written on the top right corner of the page. Click on your name to see a list of options you can select.
  4. From the list of options, you will need to select ‘Account’ and then click on ‘Withdrawl.’ This lets you withdraw any remaining balance in your Wealthsimple account. Once your account balance is $0, you can move on to step 5.
  5. Open a new tab or window in your browser and enter the URL mentioned below.
  6. This link will take you to your profile, where you can scroll down to find the DEACTIVATE PROFILE’ option. Click on this tab at the bottom of your profile page.

You have now successfully managed to deactivate your Wealthsimple account! It is important to keep in mind that the Income Tax Act of the Government of Canada requires your account to be permanently deleted from the Wealthsimple database after 7 years of account deactivation.

Once this amount of time has passed, you can compose an email to the customer support unit of Wealthsimple and request them to delete your account along with any personal information from their database. Send this email to, and your account will be deleted soon.

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