is there a way to change the Sasktel.Net email password? I have been trying to do it for quite some time but, so far, without any success.
Any assistance in this regard will be great!
Hi Sara,
yes, it is definitely possible to change your Sasktel.Net email password.
You will need to complete your mySASKTEL registration and enter your internet account. If you have already done that, you can follow the below steps to change your Sasktel.Net password
If you use the mySASKTEL mobile application
- Open the mySASKTEL application
- Choose ‘Services’
- Choose the ‘Log in to see all services’ options, and log in to the mySASKTEL account
- Choose ‘Internet Services’ (you will see this option right at the top of the screen)
- Choose ‘Internet’
- Swipe the menu at the top to view the ‘Passwords’ page
- Choose ‘ email’
- If you use multiple email addresses, choose the email address for which you want to change the password
- Enter the new password, twice
- Choose ‘Save’
If you use a phone or tablet, or a computer email program (such as Mac Mail or Outlook Express), to access your account, you will need to update the password through the relevant email program or app.
Remember to update the password within outgoing AND incoming server settings in the email program or app.
Your new password should:
- Be a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 20 characters long
- Contain at least 2 of the following 3 characters: special characters, numbers, and letters
- The special characters allowed are: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) – _ = + [ { ] } | ; : ’ ” , < . > / ?
- Not have any character repeated thrice in row
Below are a few ways that you can create a stronger password:
- Use numbers
- Use special characters (such as the ones mentioned above)
- Use both lowercase (small) and uppercase (capital) letters
- Use passphrases, which contain 4 or more random words (the more random words your password contains, the harder it is to crack) and that are longer and more secure than typical passwords and easier to remember compared to random combinations of numbers, letters, and special characters.
You should avoid using:
- Misspellings of common words, or words spelled backwards
- Your real name, company name, or username
- Names, birth dates, addresses, or other personal identification information
- Letter or number sequences (such as ‘Qwerty’ or ‘1234567’)
- Replacements for common words (such as ‘&’ instead of ‘and’, or ‘4’ instead of ‘four’)
- Actual phrases (such as ‘Messiisthebestever’)
You can keep your password safe by:
- Not telling it to anyone
- Not letting anyone watch as you enter your password
- Frequently changing your password
- Memorizing your password
- Ignore text messages or emails that request your password (these scams are referred to as ‘phishing’)