You can cancel Netflix at any time. It is free to cancel, and you don’t incur any cancellation fees or charges.
To cancel your Netflix Canada subscription, you will need to log into your account on your computer or mobile device, click on your profile picture in the top right corner (or the three bars in the bottom right), and scroll down to select Account.
You will scroll down from within your account to select the Cancel Membership button and click Finish Cancellation on the next screen. If you don’t see the option to cancel when you log into your account, you will need to cancel with your billing company (e.g., cell phone provider). There will be a link or instructions to guide you through that process on your account page.
When canceling your subscription, you may have a hold on your account or have a remaining Gift Card/promotional balance. If your account has a hold on it, it will immediately close when you cancel. If you have a balance (Gift Card or promotional), you can continue to use your account for as many months of service as you have left on your balance. Once that balance runs out, you won’t be able to use Netflix.
Your Netflix subscription will not cancel right away as it will cancel at the end of your billing period (which you can view in your Billing Details). When you cancel within your billing period and still have time left, you can continue to use Netflix until your billing period ends.
You won’t incur charges again unless you restart your membership subscription. Signing into your account or deleting the app itself will not cancel your subscription. You can only cancel your subscription by logging into your account and completing all of the steps listed above.
If you run into problems canceling your subscription, you can contact Netflix Canada directly by phone on live chat with an agent.