If you need your parcel to be delivered as soon as possible, you can choose Canpar Express’s premium delivery that provides you the option of delivering your package at 10 am, noon, and even on a Saturday. It will give you the peace of mind you need when a short shipping time is crucial.
Moreover, Canpar Express also allows you to benefit from several options in case you miss the first delivery attempt for whatever reason. Firstly, if the company’s driver made a delivery attempt but could not find you at the delivery spot, they will leave a delivery attempt notice at the designated spot. The notice will include a barcode number that you can input into the company’s tracking tool.
If you want to learn about your package’s status, you can visit Canpar’s official website and enter the delivery notice number that will start with a W. This way, you can find out the current status and the pickup location of your package.
Canpar Express allows you to pick up packages after 12 pm on the following business day. It will hold your package for a maximum of five business days, so make sure you head to the location to pick it up before then. The address will show on the website once the delivery driver has dropped the package at a designated SMARTSpot.
Alternatively, you can request the company to make another delivery attempt by reaching out to its customer service team at:
- 1-800-387-9335.
However, if you choose to go down this route, you will have to pay additional fees over the phone via your MasterCard or Visa.
Moreover, Canpar Express also allows you to inform the company if you won’t be home on the delivery date and instead pick up the package when convenient for you. If you want to benefit from this option, you can redirect to one of Canpar’s SMARTSpots before the driver makes the delivery. You can select one of the hundreds of established delivery locations throughout Canada for convenient parcel pickup and drop-off.
Lastly, if you need the company to deliver your package without contacting you, the only way to do that is by leaving a note on your property for the delivery driver. It should indicate where exactly you need them to leave the package. Please make sure to sign your name on the note and put it outside your front door since the driver will need to collect it. With that said, some packages will require in-person signatures, and a signed note will not work in such cases. For instance, Canpar Express will not leave packages unattended in condominiums and apartment buildings, even if you have authorized it.
If you’d like to learn more about Canpar Express’s delivery system, visit its official website!